Home sweet home from another incredible Seminar (annual conference) and snuggling with my stubby-legged dog. I am Overwhelmed with Gratitude for the last few days of blessings: the People, experiences, appreciation, celebrations, and gifts from the company. Over the last 30 days, these are some of the rewards and gifts of appreciation that the company has sent our way (over $22,000 cash - I barely made that in a year at my first corporate job), Not including the Alaskan cruise coming up for me and D, the Star prizes and so much more. Now let me be clear, I threw my heart over the line and worked it full out for 30 days in June. But something tells me that each of us are ALL IN In Whatever we do..... but the question is, would our reward be the same? So grateful that I chose the most reputable, stable, wealthy, strong, generous, and forward-thinking company in the world to invest my time and talent. So grateful for our Lord's favor on our company.
3 little pieces of advice for those with the courage to chase after your dream:
1) Choose mentors you would gladly trade places with. Mentors that have done the work and not just talked about. Mentors that are transparent and will teach and show you how to be successful Bc they have walked the walk...Preferably in cute heels!!!!
2) Choose carefully who you share your dream with. The dream God placed into your heart is YOURS not theirs. Over the last 15 years, of course I've gotten a few looks and sarcastic comments ... still do today. And will have the occasional - "Is mary kay your only job?" - insinuating that surely it cannot pay the bills. Not everyone in your life will want to cheer you on. It's okay. That's life. That's entrepreneurship. It's the road less traveled. When I started growing my business, we had $400 a month left over after bills were paid. To me, That's much more scary than ignoring critics and having courage!! So Press on, play to an audience of One, and have the courage to not need affirmation from everyone in your life.
3) 🚫Be truthful----hype and deceptive practices do not work if you want to build a career. And please Stop begging on social media for everyone to join your team. A post here and there is fine. Instead, LEad yourself well, master your trade, become independently successful, serve your customers WELL and be willing to be inconvenienced for their benefit, grow your emotional and financial intelligence, be generous, live an authentic life and the people who are supposed to be in your life will find you. Strong, independent leaders will not respond to begs and pleads and that's the caliber of people you want to do life with!
#mymklife #teammk #homebasedbusiness #girlboss #grateful#ofcoursethereareexpenseslikeCellphonesandPostage