Our Trip to Vancouver and then on to the Alaskan Cruise, was incredible. We are So grateful for the opportunity to see nature untouched. Trees so lush and green and HUGE. Forest along the shoreline so thick that extend for hundreds and hundreds of consecutive miles. From riding a train 21 miles up a mountain on a 100 year old track (Yukon Gold trail), Halibut fishing 20 miles offshore, whale watching, crab feasting, connecting with amazing friends... you name it... it was incredible.
However, each time I travel, being mindful of many factors plays a critical role in my ability to stay healthy. You see, with CF, our immune system is stinky. Like NON EXISTENT and on top of that, minor issues for most (cold, sinus infection, virus) have the ability to get serious fast and recovery can be long and tedious. Precautions are taken to prevent as much as possible, masking on flights and in closed areas where others could be sick, hand washing and sanitizing OFTEN, cleaning surfaces (like always imagining the guest before you had the flu), and being cautious about entering certain locations (dr offices, hospitals, nursing homes, schools, etc). On day 5 of the cruise, we realized that we hadn't dodged the bullet. Both D and I were feeling the effects of aching, sore throat, chest tightness and fever. OH MY! We made it thru our Halibut fishing excursion and headed to our stateroom where we spent the next 48 hours. LOL. THankfully we were able to get through with over the counter meds but how embarrassing to spend the route home visiting bathrooms in planes, boats, and automobiles. As most of you know, my lungs already have their fair share of mucous and this virus caused even more, leaving my tummy tired and refused to let anymore enter.
This flu virus was a doozie. It had D down for 4 days upon arrival home and I laid in bed for 8 solid days before I felt human. Taking a shower was victory each day. I was determined to not get admitted inpatient because that would have me out of commission another 2 weeks. So 8 days of so much sleep, extra treatments, and devoted to recovery.
Here's my sweet Kota, she's a trooper and stays by my side. She's my ride or die girl. You'll always find her within a foot of me - in the office, bed, living room, yoga on the balcony and even the shower.
And, thank heavens for snapchat filters so you can still communicate with colleagues and being sick looks funny instead of scary!
So, the moral of the story is GET YOUR FLU SHOT and that if you ever have someone sit by you on a flight and clorox wipe every surface around them or put on a mask- dont assume they have the bird flu. And, if you are sick or might be sick, just cancel your plans with someone with a low immune system. They will not be upset, in fact, they will LOVE you for it.