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The Questions you may have excluded in your 2018 Planning?

As we embark on a new year, i truly believe it's the perfect time to reflect and make plans. Journaling and goal setting is something I LOVE as it consolidates my thoughts and gets my mind on the straight and narrow. There are so many tools one can use and usually they all have some form of the same questions of reflection and planning. However, we promised to be transparent and vulnerable in this blog so I'll give a sneak peak how ours might differ.

Thousands of people rock it out with a terminal illness like CF every day. Thousands more have had their brush with a demise with a scary diagnosis like cancer. Others suffer from debilitating chronic illnesses that make life feel like a ticking time bomb. My point - NOT EVERYONE SHOULD HAVE THE SAME New Year Resolution Questions or Should they?. And, last I checked, there's not a NEW YEAR Planning Guide for People with Faulty Bodies, lol! Hey, maybe I'll do that too. :) And while many of our questions are similar, I think that having a chronic illness, especially one that is terminal, gives us the blessing to plan more fervently and possibly think a bit differently.

After Christmas, during that lull time that we dont really know what day of the week it is, I began filling in the answers to those common questions:

What are the greatest blessings from 2017?

What are some things you want to continue in 2018?

How do you want to feel in 2018?

Who do you want to spend time with in 2018?

Which relationships do you want to nurture and grow in 2018?

Which relationships do you need to let fade in 2018?

What achievements would make you the most proud in 2018?

What are ways to enrich my marriage and honor my spouse in 2018?

What is my spiritual walk like and how do I want it different in 2018?

What are my financial goals?

What are things I want to do or sights i want to see in 2018?

So before the NYE Ball dropped, I had them answered... I was READY to conquer the new year. And, While these questions help us think a little deeper, I was quickly reminded that they dont address all the things that cross my mind and perhaps yours. While enjoying FUN TIMES with about 15 friends on NYE here at the #lakehouse, at about 1130pm, I was reminded of the reality of a failing body. My red-headed foe - Hemi -appeared (click here to learn about hemoptysis). I slipped upstairs to my room to follow protocol for a bleed (lower my blood pressure, ice down, etc) and of course the fears race through your mind while you patiently (not really) wait----- Will the bleeding stop? How long will it take to clot? My new insurance started today on 1/1 - are we prepared as we think we are for the $7300 copay that will be due if I have to go in for an embolization tonight? What doctor will i get on a NYE night? How much longer til this clots off? I hope I'm not worrying anyone downstairs? This is not how I planned to ring in the new year? ERRR.. I was so excited to have company.. really...this isn't happening? Will anyone bring out the party hats for everyone at midnight? So much for the fun group photo? I told D to stay downstairs and be a good host and I would text him updates.... but I sure hope he'll come up for my midnight kiss? Then even deeper thoughts... what if this is the bleed that doesn't stop? Can I get to the right hospital fast enough if things dont improve soon? Better let my mom know so she can be on standby. How quickly can I pack a bag? Do I have everything in place if I'm away long? .................................and the questions go on and on in between prayers and begging for God to stop the bleeding, friends that know when something's up checking in and bringing more ice and a party hat, and of course getting that midnight sugar that's smothered with loving concern and affirmations from my boo. Praise God this only lasted an hour and the clotting started with only about a tablespoon to spare before we had to head north. That moment when you see things turning in the right direction is by far some of the most intimate moments I have with my Savior. Over the next 24 hours, I'm required to stay in SLOTH mode ---- no exertion, no increased heart rate, blood pressure, no lifting, singing, exercise, etc. Basically - a bed bound sloth to not excite blood vessels in the lungs. I used this time for some catch up on rest, but also to ADD to my NEW YEAR Questionnaire and Planning. NOW, I'm ready to start the year. Here are questions that thousands of us with terminal or chronic conditions should consider adding to our list and just maybe you too:

Do I have all financial documents in place, organized and easy to find?

Are all our bills automated in case we have a major distraction?

Do I have a 'Hospital Bug Out' Bag packed and ready in case I need to head out quickly?

IF this was one of my last years of moderate healthiness - what would i want to do, where would i want to go?

What can I do to increase residual income in case I'm unable to actively work for a period?

If I only have 5 more years in the workforce - would that change the way I work this year?

Is there a dream in my heart or a calling on my life that I have dismissed?

Are there any other investments, policies I should study and consider?

Do we have a game plan in place in case one of us was unable to work?

Are we or how close are we to being 100% debt free including mortgage?

Is our emergency account set aside?

Do we have 6 months of expenses in a separate account for emergencies?

Does my hubby have easy access to all medical phone numbers and policy numbers?

How can we buy a helicopter? LOL... no really.... it's worth studying in case time is of the essence? If youre going to dream, you might as well dream big right?

What are things we want to do this year that align with our dream life even more?

Who are people we want to spend our time with?

What are things we have put off that we refuse to dismiss any more?

What are ways we can be a blessing to others this year?

Call me crazy but I find such peace in praying and thinking about these things ahead of time. Truly thinking about not bringing old thinking to a new year. There is such peace in STOPPING the NOISE, having QUIET TIME, and really thinking about this one life. And while many unexpected things are bound to happen and they most certainly will, there are some things that can be prepared for. Recently I was listening to a message and the preacher explained how different animals were given different gifts from God to survive and flourish. Some their SIZE, some their QUICKNESS, some their ability to camouflage, etc... and for us... He gave us a BRAIN to THINK! May we choose to STOP PRETENDING that we don't know and USE our BRAINS that God gave us and THINK about what HE brings to our minds. Honoring God with our time on earth, our resources, and our choices brings about such Joy and Peace that we all deserve. So.... Happy New Year , friend.... Here's to your BEST Year!

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